Monday, January 19, 2015


Train yourself in godliness, for while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise of both the present life and the life to come.  (1 Timothy 4:7-8)

I was watching John Luke start karate classes the other evening.  Last year he received his black belt and this year is hoping to get his 2nd Dan.  I remember when he was preparing for his black belt, he asked the instructor how long it would take.  The teacher said it depended on how hard he trained and practiced.  And then the teacher proceeded to tell John Luke about his own experience.

I knew the man was older, but I had no idea.  He said he had been doing this for 60 years and then he said he was 80 years old.  I was totally shocked.  The teacher continued to talk about training, practicing, persevering, enduring and that it was all worth it.  I had a hard time getting past that he was 80 years old, but I heard his words.

As class started I began to reflect on all I was learning about the 'spiritual disciplines' and what God said about training in the New Testament.  It became clear to me it was about training in godliness and not just another rule or regulation in our lives, but it was part of our life on this earth.  It was a battle, but there was a way and power for us to fight.  And He expected us to do it.

This has nothing to do with salvation or going to heaven.  It has everything to do with us becoming more like Jesus right now.  Salvation was the beginning.  Heaven yes was an amazing thing, but that was not what it was all about either.  It was about us entering into eternal life right now; living, working, creating, stewarding and loving others with God,lined with Jesus and empowered by Holy Spirit.

Wow, that is what is was all about, not rules, regulations, trying to get by, performing or sitting around and waiting for Jesus to come again.  I had entered into eternity with God and now I needed to learn to live the way I was created to live.  This is making sense to me.  I could stop performing and start living

How about you?  Here are some questions to help you journal, reflect.

1.)  Discipleship is a call to change, why do you think it is hard to change?
2.)  What might see if you look away ....look away from yourself?  What are you not seeing because you are only looking at yourself?
3.)  What price have you paid by saying no to discipleship?  In your heart you have said, "this is the way of life, not what God says."  What has it cost you?

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