Monday, November 14, 2016

God Story - Number 7

Number 7

     I was 30 years old and I knew it was time to remarry.  I wanted to have children, didn’t I?  I moved from Washington DC to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  In DC, I had lived in the big city, riding the metro, walking downtown and eating out at elegant restaurants; visiting museums, going to theater and attending parties.  In Lancaster, I moved onto an Amish farm out in the boonies.  My home was an apartment on a 20 acre Amish farm.  I had electricity, but they didn’t.  There were cows, chickens and goats.  The Amish worked from sun-up till sun down in the fields plowing with horses.
     Why did I do this?  Well the Airline was closing down the base in Washington DC.  I had lived in the big city, now I wanted to live in the country.  I wasn’t ready to move back to where I was from.  I still wanted to explore, see the world, but I really thought it was time to get married again if I ever was going to.  After all 30 is getting old, right?

     I had to drive down to Baltimore, Maryland which was about an hour and a half.  I didn’t know anyone in Lancaster; my friends thought I was crazy and would not come all the way up to visit me.  Maybe I was crazy a little.  I decided the best way to meet people was to join a gym.  Years later I thought why didn’t I try and find a church?  I think I might have been taking God for granted a little bit.  I know one thing; I wasn’t thinking about Him that much.

     I joined a gym that was near to where I lived.  I enjoyed lifting weights.  I had done this in the town where I was from before I became a flight attendant.  On my days off, I would go to the gym everyday.  I was hoping to meet people.  I did meet some guys and girls, and after working out, I went to coffee with them.  They actually worked with a local airline out of the city of Lancaster.  They were pilots and flight attendants.  I was not very excited about this, because I had come to see that life with the airline personnel was very transit.  They would come, go and often life with them was kind of like a fairy tale; being in different cities, staying in a different hotel every night and able to do what you wanted to do, gave way to being dishonest at times.  I worked with lots of people that did not live by Biblical principles.  I was not always sure what to do with this.

     But I didn’t know anyone, I deserved friends, right?  I remember one night standing in my apartment at the stove.  My friends were coming by to get me and we were going out.  This was the first time I was going out with them other than after the gym.  I didn’t have a good feeling about it.  I had been walking around the apartment having a conversation with myself and God….explaining why I should go out with these people.  It went along the lines of needing friends, it wasn’t good for me to be by myself all the time, I was lonely….oh I could go on and on.
     As I was standing at the stove, cleaning the top of it (this is something I do when I am a bit anxious), I heard that voice deep in my soul……the one I come to recognize.  It said don’t go with this group.  Oh I knew it was God, but He was not saying what I wanted to hear.  I heard them drive up, blow the horn….I stood there hesitating and I remember saying, “God I really want to go.”  I left the rag I was cleaning with, turned around and ran out the door.

     Have you ever done something and know you should not have done it?  I jumped in the car that night; there was a new person, who was that……I started laughing with them as we drove down the road.  It was like I left God on the back burner of that stove.  It was all a huge mistake.  God doesn’t tell us something just to give us a hard time.  He knows what is best for us.  He loves us and wants good things for us.   I should have listened to God.  If there is ever anything in my life I regret, this was it.  I just said no to God or I just thought it would be ok for right now and I would come back to Him later. 

     Life doesn’t work like that.  I laughed that night.  I talked and talked to this new guy in the car.  He was a pilot.  I really didn’t want to go out with a pilot.  I had seen some things the pilots did, some bad decisions they made in their personal life when they were away from their families.  I really knew the whole thing was wrong, but I DID IT ANYWAY.  Why do we do that?

     I did not understand at that time, that trusting God completely, in every area of life was the best for me.  You see, as I said earlier, I wanted to get married again.  I wanted to settle down again, have that family, the little house with the white picket fence and 2 car garage. I wanted to have children, well one at least.

     Relationships!  I didn’t understand them and I was about to fall right back into the only way I knew to deal with them; pleasing at all cost, having an unhealthy dependency on them, looking at people (especially a man) to tell me that I was OK.  I didn’t know it at the time, but I look to relationships (especially men) to tell me I was loved, accepted and valued.  Remember earlier when I said I looked to my husband to meet my needs in ways that only God could?  Well that is all I knew……I was about to look to another man to meet my needs, but God was going to show me a different way….a different path.

     The young man in the car that night was a bit younger than me and he made me laugh.  When our evening was finished, he asked if he could see me again.  I said yes.  Before long we were seeing each other every day and it didn’t take me long to see he only wanted to have a good time.  He was not interested in any committed relationship, much less marriage.  I remember having that pain wrenching feeling inside my chest again.  It was similar to when my husband had left me and didn’t want to be married to me any longer.
     What was it?  Rejection?  I didn’t know, but I wanted to make it feel better and I tried the only way I knew; trying to make him accept me, to like me better, to think I was good enough for him.  Oh I hated the feelings; I hated that pain in my chest, so I would try harder.  I knew how to do that.  I had done it before and I could do it again…over and over….harder and harder.

     There were so many times this man humiliated me, left me standing at parties while he flirted and laughed with other women.  Did I tell him to stop?  Did I leave him?  No, what would I do?  You guessed it; I would try harder to make him like me.  Did God create us to be doormats?  No!  He created us to speak truth in love…why didn’t I tell him to stop or I would set boundaries?

     I guess I didn’t know how.  You see I was too wrapped up in trying to get this person’s approval, because that would say to me I was OK; I mattered.  OR I thought it would. 
     I continued to see this man for almost 2 years.  I was almost destroyed by this time.  I remembered those words standing at the stove….don’t go Teresa.  Oh I wished I had listened.  All the wonderful years I had had exploring, seeing the world, traveling and learning more about myself and the world God created; all the things God had taught me.  I had not been interested in meeting someone, I was just having fun and I felt like it had been a gift from God.
     I was 30 though and thought it was time to settle down because I was getting older; but the same problems arose again with relationships.  God what was wrong with me?  I kept asking Him this question.  I saw myself repeating patterns over and over that were not working; I knew something was not right and I needed God to show me truth.

     I was about to start down another path, a different one…….I had much to learn. 

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