Monday, February 2, 2015

The Blueprint for Humanity

"God's method is always incarnational.  He loves to take His truth and wrap it in a person."  (Howard Hendricks)

When I first went to Budapest, Hungary ......I had so many ideas what a 'missionary' was suppose to look like ......and I was going to be a great one!  One day I was running through the streets, I had so much to do and I was in a hurry.  I was 'doing ministry' after all!  The streets were very wide and you did not cross them above ground, you had to go under ground.  I was hurrying from one side of the street to the other ....down steps and up them, when I noticed a woman sitting on one of the steps with a bundle in her arms.  The homeless people were everywhere and most of the time ignored.  On this day I looked and then I looked again.  She was looking right at me.  I turned around and went back to her.  She had tears running down her face.  As I watched her, I sensed something deep inside......"what are you doing?  Running around like a crazy person 'doing ministry.'  What about this lady and her child, right here in front of you?"  I sat down beside her and ask if I could see her baby.  She showed the child to me, beautiful, but crying.  

I looked in this woman's face and I saw a person, a woman .... a human being that God created and cared about.  I asked her if I could buy her something to eat.  She just stared at me crying.  I told her I would be right back.  I went to the top of the stairs where there was a McDonald's and bought burgers, fries and drinks.  I went back down the steps, sat down beside the lady and her child and gave them food.  I sat with her for a long time drinking coffee.  I knew I had learned something that day; I could run around all the time and think I was doing 'God's work' and totally ignore what God was actually doing all around me; on the metro, tram, bus, in my apartment building or on the streets.  

Even when we did not know we needed God, didn't even know we were not living the way He created us to live .....He entered into our world, He came to us .....He met us.  We must not make ourselves immune to the suffering and pain of the world around us, but where we are, we too must entered into lives live the life of Christ He entered into our world to live the life of God.

If Jesus is God living a human life ....then we have in Him the designer's blueprint for how human beings are meant to live.  If our blueprint of what it is to be human is a person who entered into our world and entered into our suffering strung up on a cross, then we must not detach ourselves from the world.

Jesus entering into our world gives us a vision of how to be human.

Any of us who have been transformed by Christ, need to entered into people's lives.  This lady needed something real, full of life....... she needed a person.  The transforming story of what God does in a human heart comes alive and the life-changing story will touch and change lives.  By sharing our lives we are telling the story of Jesus.

"But what does it all mean?" asked Susan when they were somewhat calmer.
"It means," said Aslan, "that though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know. Her knowledge goes back only to the dawn of Time. But if she could have looked a little further back, into the stillness and the darkness before Time dawned, she would have read there a different incantation. She would have known that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."

And the joy – the deepest, most fantastic joy of all – is that there is a “deeper magic” available for all of us.

Ch. 15 : Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time 

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