Jesus ......called to be a carpenter day while being baptised by John the Baptist, a voice from heaven said "you are my son, in whom I am well pleased" then He was called to be a minister of the Gospel.

God has a calling on your life. Everyday is new. If you look back in history, work was called vocation until the industrial revolution. In industry you could no longer necessarily see the end product, people worked on assembly lines; thus new name ....occupation. Work became an occupation, people going through the motions till the end of the day or the week so they could have fun on the weekend. Their job was a place where they were occupied and made money. No longer was it a vocation, a calling.

When you go to work, see it as a vocation, where God wants you to be. Ask God if there is someone you can touch today or He can touch through you, is anyone in need of hope, maybe you can pray for someone. Say each day ......"Lord I am following you into my work place today, this place is yours and I want to be an instrument of your peace."

Where is your mission field? Between your feet! Your vocational calling of God is between your feet, where ever you are are a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ; that is your mission field. Work was never intended to be merely an occupation to occupy your time!

Martin Luther King said, "If I am a street sweeper, I do unto the Lord." Work doesn't define you, but you are called to be His representative where ever you work. Be His presence and hope in the midst of people.
Your mission field is between your feet!
Thanks Teresa for pointing out the link between Jesus's baptism and the beginning of his ministry (Luke 3 verses 22 and 23), I'd not appreciated the link before. So often we think of baptism as a way into full membership of the church, but we should have an outward focus too.
ReplyDeleteYes Michael, I saw this clearly when reading/studying .....I am getting so much from this masters ....sometime I have to just stop and write! Thanks for comment!