Monday, August 14, 2017

Scatter not Gather

     I have decided to read the Bible through in 2 years, I made this decision last month.  One always seemed to rush me, not sure about you, but I just wanted to get through those 4 chapters and often didn't really spend time studying the Scriptures.  Since receiving my masters I have seen how important it is to look back at the times when the story was taking place; study the culture, people and often even look at the Hebrew and Greek.  

     I am in Genesis 11 ....The Tower of Babel.  Now I have read this chapter many times, but yes usually just rushing through it.  I never really understood why God caused the people to speak different languages and scatter, but I guess I just accepted it.  I wanted to look at it deeper this time.

     First I found out it was about 150 years after the flood and there were about 30,000 people on the earth.  Now I think humanity had done pretty good in 150 years, don't you!?  : ). Since I had been studying the story more I went back to Genesis 1:27,28.  God had said take my image to every part of the earth - not gather in one place, maybe where we just felt safe.  The people of that time wanted to build statues to reflect the image of God, but God said we (humanity) are to bear God's image, not statues and He wanted us to take His image to the ends of the earth

     We are image bearers, yes this involves a responsibility.  Think about it, we carry His Presence.  As I thought more, it confirmed something I knew somehow deep inside that everytime I walk into one of these pubs here in England, where so many people did not know Jesus, I should be able to change the atmosphere; joy, peace, light, mercy and grace.  And that people have an innate value because they were created in the image of God.  This should make a huge difference in how we treat people.  Yes we can disagree and even get angry, but we still treat people with dignity and respect because God created them.  Now as I was talking to John Luke and Georgina about this, I experienced a bit of concern.  I didn't want them to think they could go into anywhere because they would take Jesus.  They needed wisdom, discernment; none of us need to be anywhere God does not call us to go, but if He does I wanted them to be aware Who goes with them and what it meant.

     The mission has not changed since the garden/Adam and Eve - God's plan was for humanity to take His image to the ends of the earth.  Yes we gather as a church, we saw this in Acts where the churched gathered - waiting for the power, Holy Spirit.  God didn't want a big church in Jerusalem.  He wanted them to receive Holy Spirit and then scatter - take His image to the ends of earth.  

     Driving to Surrey one morning to go see Howard's mom; H, JL, GG and I had a conversation about the things I felt I had discovered (or had known, but just a deeper sense).  I love to bring my family into this kind of processing.  I love to hear how especially JL & GG see things and it is important to apply it all.  At this point in my life, if we don't look at how to apply and make it real - what is the point?

     This was the application we came up with:
1 - We are to make His name known, not ours.  The people of that time in Genesis 11 was wanting to make a name for themselves without God.  Maybe we need to look at our motives, be faithful with our opportunities and be obedient to the things God says.
2 - To make disciples of ALL nations - Is God calling you to go to another nation, one possibility.  Or what about your neighbourhood, where you go to school, your work - as GG said, "Each one of us need to do our own thing!"  John Luke wants to major in psychology and use the study of human behaviour to help kids.  

     Where is He asking you to take His image, to be an image bearer?  You might think there is no way He is saying what He is.  I struggled with working in the pubs, meeting people and sharing His presence there.  Kind of went against the culture I was from.  

     Are you scattering or gathering where you feel safe?  Something to think about .......
     Hey try reading the Bible through in 2 years instead of 1!  : )

Acknowledging - Hazel Robinson   

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Just received notice that my book has been published or online so people can order it.  I self-published it.  I really struggled with whether to do this or not.  I love to write and I love to encourage/inspire people to be everything God created them to be.  I think all my life I was working toward this - working toward being everything God created me to be.  I knew life may not have started off in the most ideal way, but I knew God had a plan and I wanted to find out what that was.  I didn't want to miss all He had for me.  

As I wrote snapshots from my own life; the things I had learn, how God had guided me and showed me so much of Himself - then showed me who I was, showed me who other people were and about the world He created - I knew I needed to share with other people that it was possible to be everything God created you to be.  I so wanted people to know they did not have to settle for what they thought life had to offer or maybe what other people had told them all their life.  I wanted people to know the freedom I had found, the peace, the understanding and the revelation of who we (humanity) are.  I was told something that was not true and I believe it all my life, but I found out all the things I had come to believe was not true.  It may have taken me all my life, but I had discovered it and wanted others to know.

So here it is ......I share it with you ......on the side of the page are two websites (in the very light blue, don't know how to change it!) - one for Amazon in the USA and the other one is Amazon in the UK.  Here is what the editor wrote when he was editing the book............ 

Teresa has seen amazing things during her life. She has seen herself at her darkest moments, full of heartache and regret. She’s also seen the dazzling moments when she fully accepted and embraced the love of Jesus Christ. This powerful tale of redemption and salvation will inspire you to reach out to God and bring light into your own life. 
Teresa chronicles the many transformations that completely changed her life. Throughout all the transitions, there was one thing that stayed constant: God’s presence in her life. Even when she questioned Him, He was by her side. Teresa celebrates His steadfast wisdom and the ways He inspired her to find joy and beauty in her life. 
Teresa hopes that you can find the same. She emphasizes that her story isn’t just about her own personal journey but about the journey of all humanity. Everyone is searching for fulfillment, and she has been able to experience the best her life and her faith have to offer. She will inspire you to do so as well. She hopes that you will find your purpose, your honor, and your grace.