1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast out fear .......
GG just returned from a youth weekend. As I was putting her to bed she asked this question: Mom, do you know what area of our body only God can heal? I asked what area. She said, our heart mom.
And then she told me God was healing a place in her heart. I just looked at her. I had been praying for GG and I sensed God saying only He can heal some wounds in our heart. To see this awareness with GG was amazing.
We all can have wounds in our heart that we might not even know about. But we can be reacting from them and develop patterns in our life that are hindering us from being all God created us to be. Often we can be fearful to face the root of the problem. We just want to continue deal with the symptoms; and try to pretend there is nothing there.
But let me share with you, as my daughter was dealing with a place in her heart,God was dealing with me. There was something that continued to cause a great deal of pain. And I would have such a panic every time I tried to think about what was causing the pain. But when I saw my 12 year old dealing with her wounds, it gave me courage to look at my own.
I want to say trust God to show you what is going on. If there is something happening in your life that continues to hinder you, ask God what it is and trust Him to walk you through it. Get help if you need to talk to someone. Don't be embarrassed and don't keep it secret. You know we have an enemy of our soul and if he can keep things in the dark; he is happy. He is a deceiver, a liar, a manipulator, an intimidator and a murderer. This is his agenda. So get help, talk to someone.
God is love. He does not just have love; He is love. And His word says, perfect love cast out fear. Whatever fear is keeping you from looking at your wound, the behaviour that is
keeping you from being all God created you to be; know the enemy of your soul wants to destroy you. This enemy is the one saying not to trust God; He will let you down.
I want to tell you today, He will not. He is faithful. I am watching Him work in my daughter's life and in my own life.
Let's trust Him together! If there is something you need to talk about, let's talk. God cares, He loves you and He wants you to be healed and free.