If you do not understand how much God always wanted to be with you and that you are included in the Triune God, these topics could be threatening .....they were for me!
Here is another journal entry I made months ago and a picture I added to my journal. As you look at this picture and then the topics, they are easier to understand.
Our relationship with God is less about trying and more about trusting .....less about struggling/perfection/control and more about resting in Him.
Our reaching out in the world, taking the Gospel to people who don't know, using our gifts, talents, creativity, design ....being everything God created us to be is about trusting and resting in Him.
Our journey with God is about knowing ourselves better, knowing God better and knowing our mission purpose better.
So what is your plan to do this? How are you going to practically walk this out in life? If you were to run a marathon, would you just wait until the day the race arrived, then go out there and run? Or would you train?
I thought in the beginning of my journey with God, spending time with Him, praying, reading His word ...really setting times to be with Him in silence, solitude, fasting and prayer was something I better do, or .....
It is not something I have to do and if I don't, something terrible will happen. It is something I need to do ....something I was created to do ....it is how I will run the race of life.
It is my journey of learning to be loved by God. It is the very heart of anything else I do.
In the solitude, the silence with God, is where you learn to listen to that voice deep down in your being saying to you, "You are my beloved, marked by my love. I am delighted with you, well pleased with you. I love, accept you and value you." This is truly home.
Jesus spent much time alone with the Father. Read in the Gospels - before ministry, after ministry, before important decisions; and when He was heartbroken, following a long night of work, after an event or experience and to prepare for His highest work.
Jesus showed us how to live. How much more time do we need with the Father?