Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Things that Matter!

GG & I have been looking at some pictures from where she was born - Costa Rica.  She often asks questions about Costa Rica, loves to hear stories and see the animals.  There were lots of things I didn't like about the tropical country (heat, reptiles, loud noisy dirty cities, slowness of pace), but there were some things I liked (coffee, exotic fruit all year around, the beautiful countryside). The best thing of all is CR is where God gave us our beautiful daughter! 

As I sat with GG and looked at the pictures, I thought about how important it is for us to remind ourselves of where we come from, the truth of what God did for us;  entering into our world in Jesus Christ.  We need to remind ourselves of the Gospel.  I believe paying attention matters; being aware, focusing on Him is how we create space for transformation in our lives.  It is how we hear His voice, His perspective, His clarity.  It reminds us where we came from and our mission in this world with God.  

I use to get so concerned if I did something over and over.  I connected it was legalism, prayers that God didn't listen to.  But now I see where disciplines should always be a means to spiritual ends, never ends in themselves.  They are places of meeting God that do not have value in and of themselves.  To treat them as if they did is to develop a faith that is external, self-energised and legalistic.  This was clear with Jesus.  His embrace of discipline was an embrace of life. 

There is a reason GG likes to look at pictures of her country, see wants to see where she is from.  

There is a reason we want to see where we are from!

Pay attention, be still, be aware, listen .........

"Love pays attention. It offers people an alternative to the distracted, frantic, scattered way of interacting that is so common. When we pay attention, we hear more than words. We hear what's not said. We hear the real story that's being told by others. When we do this in our daily lives, we will find God there, the God of mission, the one who himself sends the Spirit to turn our world around." (Difference Makers: An Action Guide for Jesus Followers by M. Scott Boren)

Here are some pictures GG & I found ......